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Swapnil Atikul It Is My Old Youtube Channel.
I think people who know me or watch my videos have heard this song.
This day was hard because on this day we finished our high school life and said goodbye to college life. Ha friends this day is a memorable day in my life. I will never forget my school friends. Now you may not meet Karo like before, you may not have fun like the day before and you may never meet everyone again. Maybe it will be, but it will not be like those old days, I will miss you. Friends remember you very much later. But you see, be good. I heard that the world is so small, I must meet you one day.

We will all become the best in college life. I will forget everyone about my studies. However, no one will be able to hold the water in the room if one day.
I love you friends. You will always be there. I miss you. Really miss you.

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